S.O.F.T & S.W.E.E.T

when I woke up this morning, I felt there was an unfinished story in my dreams..I try to remember but it all seemed blur in my head.. I just feel like something that really sweet and fun was hapenned.

Have you ever felt like that? having so many marshmallows in your heart?

It felt so soft n sweet..
And because that sweet-unfinished-dream, i woke up this morning and walked to the front of the mirror to look at my self, well yea it sounds weird but i did it. Standing there and smile..
How could God gave us such a perfect collaboration of body and personality without any disability.

I'm so glad about that and thank God..
So why don't we wake up every morning with a smile on our face and enjoy this every sweet day..


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a lil' story about a lil' world

aku bikin blog ini dalam keadaan mensyukuri dunia.. aku harap setiap orang dengan pandangannya masing-masing tetap sayang sama dunia ini...
aku cuma cewe 20 tahun yang masih buta soal arah...tapi bukan nggak terarah, aku nggak mau memandang dunia ini jahat... dunia ini menjadi indah atau buruk sealur sama pikiran kita,
Nah... kenapa nggak berusaha bikin dunia jadi lebih indah <3 <3

Sedikit tulisan buat berbagi tentang aku dan dunia...